Comprehensive Stroke Rehabilitation Services on Northern Beaches

At Rebound Health, our mission is to be your dedicated partner on the path to stroke recovery. We understand that stroke survivors face unique challenges, both physical and emotional, and we're here to provide the comprehensive stroke rehabilitation that ensures a brighter and more independent future.

Our team at Rebound Health is driven by the belief that recovery is possible, and our commitment is to make it a reality for you. Our dedicated stroke rehabilitation includes stroke physio to help you regain motor skills, muscle strength, and coordination. We understand the importance of restoring your physical abilities, giving you the chance to reclaim your independence and confidence in your daily life.

We understand that mobility is a key factor in your journey to recovery. Our stroke rehab program includes gait training and mobility exercises, specifically designed to improve your walking ability and overall physical function.

For those experiencing speech and swallowing difficulties post-stroke, our comprehensive rehabilitation includes speech therapy. We are dedicated to helping you regain the ability to communicate and eat safely, significantly improving your daily life.

Choosing Rebound Health for your stroke rehabilitation means choosing a partner who will stand by you at every step of your recovery journey. We are not just a provider of services; we are your dedicated companions in regaining your independence, confidence, and quality of life.


Holistic Approach to Stroke Recovery

At Rebound Health, we believe in treating the whole person, not just the condition. Our holistic approach to stroke recovery addresses not only the physical aspects of rehabilitation but also the emotional and psychological well-being of our clients. We aim to restore their quality of life and provide the support they need to thrive.

Stroke Rehabilitation

Physiotherapy for Stroke Rehabilitation

Our experienced and compassionate stroke physiotherapists work closely with clients to regain physical strength, mobility, and independence. Through tailored exercises and therapies, we help individuals rebuild their strength and regain control over their bodies, empowering them to navigate the challenges of stroke recovery.

Our physiotherapists work closely with clients, establishing a strong and trusting partnership that's essential for effective rehabilitation. We understand that the path to recovery can be challenging, both physically and emotionally, and we are there every step of the way, offering unwavering support.

Through a carefully curated regime of exercises and therapies, we focus on rebuilding our clients' physical strength. These exercises are designed not only to enhance muscle strength, but also to improve coordination and flexibility. We recognise that every stroke survivor's journey is unique, and we adapt our approach accordingly.

Emotional Support and Counselling

Stroke recovery is not just about the body; it's also about the mind and emotions. Our emotional support and counselling services provide a safe space for clients and their families to address the emotional impact of stroke. We offer guidance, coping strategies, and a supportive environment for individuals to share their feelings and concerns.

Our emotional support and counselling services serve as a vital cornerstone of our rehabilitation program. We provide a safe and nurturing space for clients and their families to navigate the complex emotions that often accompany a stroke. Whether it's feelings of frustration, fear, anxiety, or even grief for the life they once knew, our counsellors are there to listen, support, and guide.

The impact of a stroke can ripple through every facet of an individual's life, causing emotional challenges that are often as demanding as the physical ones. Our dedicated counsellors work with clients to develop coping strategies tailored to their unique emotional needs. This may involve helping individuals come to terms with their new reality, manage stress, and rebuild their self-esteem.


  • Post-stroke symptoms can vary widely depending on the type and severity of the stroke. Common symptoms include muscle weakness, difficulty speaking or understanding language, balance problems, memory issues, and emotional changes. Our team at Rebound Health is equipped to address a range of post-stroke symptoms, tailoring our approach to each individual's unique needs.

  • Yes, Rebound Health is proud to be NDIS (National Disability Insurance Scheme) registered. We are committed to providing accessible stroke rehabilitation services to clients who are part of the NDIS scheme, ensuring that they receive the care and support they deserve.

  • DescriptRebound Health is dedicated to helping stroke survivors on their journey to recovery. Our experienced team of professionals provides tailored stroke rehabilitation services that focus on the physical, emotional, and psychological aspects of recovery. With a holistic approach, we empower our clients to regain their independence and improve their quality of life. Contact us today to learn more.

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