Nutrition Support for Kids and Children

Looking for advice on helping your kids eat better?

As parents, it can be overwhelming to know just what nutritious foods they need to grow healthy and get the most out of everyday life.

Our Paediatric Dietitians can help.


How a Dietitian can help children?

Rebound Health Paediatric Dietitians work collaboratively to help set achievable goals for you and your child.

Some common ways we can help you and your child may include:

- Improve the food variety and nutritional intake in your child’s diet
- Promote optimal growth and development for your child
- Overcome fussy eating and food aversions
- Develop a healthy relationship with food
- Create positive mealtime experiences
- Improve gut symptoms related to food


What Can We Help With?

Gastrointestinal conditions, including irritable bowel syndrome, constipation, reflux, coeliac disease

Developmental delay or disability, including Autism or diabetes

Eating disorders, growth faltering or are malnourished

Weight management e.g. overweight or underweight

Nasogastric and PEG management/weaning

Nutrient deficiencies e.g. iron deficiency

Fussy, selective or picky eating habits

Food allergies and food intolerances

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Meet Emma Jones

Having her own young family, Emma understands the challenges of keeping children healthy and eating well.

Combining family life, with a wealth of experience in paediatric dietetics from a hospital setting, Emma will work with the whole family to address and overcome nutritional challenges in a practical and common-sense way.