Physiotherapy Brookvale

Rebound Health offers expert Physio in Brookvale, focusing on delivering physiotherapy that meets the needs of our diverse community. Our clinic provides a professional environment where clients receive high-quality care to manage and improve their physical health.


Comprehensive Physiotherapy in Brookvale

We have a comprehensive range of physiotherapy services to address various physical conditions. Our treatments are suitable for individuals suffering from acute injuries, chronic pain, and those in need of post-operative care. Our physiotherapists are skilled in several techniques:

  • Manual Therapy: Utilises hands-on techniques to manipulate muscles and joints, helping to decrease pain and increase mobility.

  • Exercise Prescription: Personalised exercises designed to strengthen the body, improve fitness, and facilitate recovery.

  • Pain Management Strategies: Techniques that help manage both acute and chronic pain, assisting clients in improving their quality of life.

NDIS Registered Physio Provider

As registered physiotherapists of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), we are committed to supporting participants with NDIS physio in Brookvale. Our services cater to the needs of NDIS participants, helping them enhance their independence and overall well-being. Our NDIS physiotherapy consists of:

  • Individual Assessment: Understanding each participant's unique condition and goals.

  • Customised Treatment Plans: Developing strategies that align with the participants' NDIS goals.

  • Ongoing Support: Regular reviews to ensure that the physiotherapy interventions are effective and adjust them as necessary.

Our Physiotherapy Services


Our Brookvale clinic offers a range of physiotherapy services. Each service addresses distinct aspects of physiotherapy, helping individuals recover from injury, manage chronic conditions, and improve overall physical performance and health.

Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy

Musculoskeletal physiotherapy focuses on conditions impacting muscles, bones, and joints. It includes treatment for sports injuries, back pain, arthritis, and issues related to poor posture.

Addressing Pain and Dysfunction in Muscles and Joints

Effective management of musculoskeletal conditions involves a comprehensive approach that includes the following:

- Diagnosis: Identifying the specific musculoskeletal condition affecting the patient.

- Treatment: Using manual therapy techniques to reduce pain and inflammation.

- Rehabilitation: Designing customised exercise programs that improve strength and flexibility, enhancing joint mobility and stability.

Rehabilitation Physio

Rehabilitation physiotherapy is essential for individuals recovering from significant injuries or surgery. Our programs are carefully structured to cater to each patient's unique recovery needs.

Supporting Your Recovery Post-Injury or Surgery

Our rehabilitation services include:

- Personalised Rehabilitation Plans: Developing individualised treatment plans that address specific recovery goals and timelines.

- Therapeutic Exercises: Implementing exercises that enhance the recovery of muscle strength, joint mobility, and overall coordination.

- Patient Education: Guiding injury prevention and lifestyle modifications to facilitate a sustainable return to daily activities.

Sports Physiotherapy

Sports physiotherapy caters to athletes across all levels, from amateurs to professionals, focusing on injury prevention, acute care, and enhancing athletic performance.

Specialised Care for Athletes

Our approach to sports physiotherapy includes the following:

- Injury Prevention: Educating athletes on how to prevent injuries through proper techniques and pre-emptive exercises.

- Acute Injury Management: Offering immediate care for sports-related injuries to reduce downtime and enhance recovery speed.

- Performance Enhancement: Assisting athletes in improving their sports-specific skills and overall physical capacities through targeted exercises and recovery strategies.


Our Commitment to Your Health and Wellbeing

Rebound Health is dedicated to delivering effective physiotherapy care that prioritises the health and well-being of the Brookvale community. Our commitment is rooted in providing sustainable practices and comprehensive patient education, ensuring that our clients receive the support they need to achieve lasting health improvements.

A Collaborative Approach to Treatment

We adopt a collaborative approach to treatment, engaging closely with each client and their healthcare providers to develop effective, individualised treatment strategies. This method allows us to consider all aspects of a client's health:

  • Integrated Healthcare Coordination: We work with other health professionals involved in a client's care to ensure a unified approach to treatment.

  • Customised Treatment Plans: Plans are created to meet each client's specific health goals and conditions, considering their unique health needs and lifestyle.

  • Ongoing Assessment and Adaptation: Treatment plans are regularly checked and adjusted based on progress and feedback to ensure optimal outcomes.

Book Your Physiotherapy Appointment Today

Schedule an appointment for physiotherapy in Brookvale at Rebound Health. Our skilled team of physiotherapists is ready to guide you through your recovery and wellness journey, providing support and expertise at every step.

Easy Online Booking

Booking an appointment at Rebound Health is straightforward with our online booking system:

  • Convenience: Access our scheduling tool through our website to find the best time for you.

  • Flexibility: Adjust or reschedule your appointments as needed to fit your commitments and lifestyle.

  • Accessibility: Manage your appointments from any device, anytime, without calling our clinic.

Contact Information and Location

For further information about our services or to consult with a physiotherapist, please reach out to us at:

  • Phone: 02 9011 2125

  • Email: 

  • Address: Suite 7, Level 2, 577-579 Pittwater Road