Upper limb (UL) rehabilitation
You don’t need a referral for upper limb rehabilitation. It is recommended that the participant has ongoing upper limb rehabilitation sessions with the OT to gain the full benefit of the therapy. Regularity and consistent practice of exercises learnt in therapy will provide an increased chance of success and goal attainment with strengthening the upper limb function.
Any relevant information to help your therapist get a good understanding of your situation. This might include your current or previous NDIS plan and any reports/letters from other health professionals including allied health, general practitioners or specialists.
Your therapist will chat with you about your condition and the impact it has on your everyday life. They might ask you to complete some exercises during the session so they can determine a baseline of function in your upper limb. You will then collaborate to identify what areas of concern you have when using fine and gross motor skills which will assist the OT to outline the therapy plan and goals.