NDIS Physio

Rebound Health Physiotherapists offer 1:1 sessions and small group classes
(maximum 3 people). 


The Physiotherapists at Rebound specialise in helping people living with a disability work toward their NDIS goals, such as

Psychosocial Disabilities / Mental Health Conditions

Our Physiotherapists have a lot of experience supporting those with psychosocial disabilities and mental health conditions. At Rebound - mental health support is a significant area of focus for our Physiotherapists and as a result, we have a lot of experience in this area.

Exercise is the main tool we use but this incredibly effective therapy is built on the foundation of a strong, positive, and supportive relationship between the Physiotherapist and the participant.

Conditions we see most often include:

- Depression
- Anxiety
- Schizophrenia
- Bipolar Disorder

Intellectual Disabilities

Intellectual disability is actually an area where Physiotherapy has a lot to offer. These benefits include: social interaction, ability to tolerate change, building a routine, confidence, balance and coordination, strength and endurance, health and fitness

Exercise is the main tool we use but this incredibly effective therapy is built on the foundation of a strong, positive, and supportive relationship between the Physiotherapist and the participant. 

Conditions we see most often include:

- Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Down syndrome 
- Foetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) 
- Traumatic brain injury (TBI)
- Developmental / Learning delays
- Genetic conditions


Rebound’s Physiotherapists and clinic space are well equipped to build / maintain physical capacity across a wide range of conditions. 

Exercise is the main tool we use but this incredibly effective therapy is built on the foundation of a strong, positive, and supportive relationship between the Physiotherapist and the participant. 

Our sessions often work towards goals like maintaining:

- Independence
- The ability to hold a job
-Living in your own home
- Mobility
- Pain management strategies
- Participation meaningful activities
- Engagement in social and community participation

Conditions that we see most often include:

- Cerebral palsy
- Post-stroke
- Fibromyalgia & chronic pain
- Neurodegenerative conditions - Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, muscular dystrophy
- Traumatic brain injury (TBI) 

Certain levels of disability require specific equipment for optimal care, so we encourage you to discuss your situation with us to see whether we are the right fit.

Group Classes

We run small group exercise-based Physiotherapy classes for NDIS participants (max 3 people). Our classes run for 1 hour and involve a mixture of strength, balance and coordination, cardio, and endurance.

Another important benefit is increasing the opportunities for social engagement & meeting new people. We provide a welcoming, safe and positive environment that enables our classes to be not just effective, but fun as well!

What to expect?

Our initial consultation is all about meeting and getting to know each other, and finding out what is most important to the participant.
Based on their preferences, we will be making a plan of what the support will look like going forward. 

Support generally involves an ongoing relationship with your Physiotherapist, where sessions will include movement and exercise, either in the clinic or at your home. 

Why Rebound?

Rebound Physiotherapists are registered to provide services under the NDIS. We take a multidisciplinary approach to health and work closely with our team of Exercise Physiologists, Dietitians, and Occupational Therapists to help participants toward their health goals.
You can access all these services under the same clinic roof, or we can travel to visit you in your own home.


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